Bonus tip: Let others do some of the work for you

BONUS TIP: Let others do some of the work for you

Trend Bargain!

Hey, we know. YOU DO NOT HAVE TIME TO DO ALL OF THIS YOURSELF. So to clarify: we're not saying you should spend 12 hours a day on trend watching. You just need to do more of it than you do now. Which brings us to our bonus tip: let other trendsters do part of the work for you, even if it's just to hit the ground running.

We naturally encourage you to explore's Trend Database and our Annual Trend Reports.

But also spend a few days on trend sites like PFSK, Springwise New Business Ideas, Iconoculture, Influx Insights, and Agenda Inc. Sign up for their newsletters and feeds. They will yield enough material to start building your Trend Framework.

Happy spotting! We look forward to seeing your findings and innovations in the marketplace.


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